The Integrated Hydraulic Lubricator System pairs the Series 1 hydraulic lubricator with a purpose built hydraulic power pack and hold down system which can be mounted to a trailer or transported by a winch truck.  The integrated system also includes a remote panel that controls both the flow and pressure.  A dual flow control system  allows the operator to choose on the fly between a standard spool valve or a precision rotary control to address situations where the assembly encounters obstructions in the well control stack.

Dragon's Head's Series 1 line of hydraulic lubricators offers stroke lengths of 16 ft to allow work on the tallest frac stacks without nippling down valves, and the largest lubricator is capable of stroking 15 ft with a 15,000 psi wellhead pressure.  Low friction seals are used to improve dexterity, and a backup mechanically energized packing seal is used to provide contingency isolation.  Counterbalance valves are placed in the control system to prevent drift during operation and uncontrolled movement in the event of a hydraulic failure. Multiple sizes available to meet a variety of conditions and can be used with pre-existing systems.

Surface  & test Equipment

Pressure test cell

Used in the shop to verify that equipment has been properly assembled and suited for operation, Dragon's Head's typical pressure test cell is configured  to supply up to 25,000 psi of hydrostatic pressure.  The system is available with a purpose built data acquisition system that displays and records the test.  The data acquisition system can be customized to streamline the workflow by requiring equipment identification, counting down remaining test time, applying a pass/fail criteria and automatically archiving the test data. 

​Hydraulic Lubricator

Wellhead & Well test Equipment

Wellhead test equipment to pressure test rigged up frac stacks or permanent wellheads can be provided in a variety of configurations such as in a standalone trailer or incorporated with other equipment like the integrated hydraulic lubricator system.  Further customization is available to tailor the equipment to meet the exact needs based on client specifications. Flowback and testing vessels are available in a variety of configurations, and manufactured at our ASME certified affiliate company, IronWolf Manufacturing.

Integrated ​Hydraulic Lubricator system