Design services

Premium services

Conventional calculations, modeling, and drafting are suitable to develop many products. However, there are projects that require more intensive evaluations and support. Premium services are offered to ensure product performance and maximize the impact of the delivered product. 

Dragon's Head engineers offer the unique combination of hands-on experience coupled with detailed analytical skill and are equally comfortable running downhole tools, fabricating equipment, and performing finite element analysis. Productive communication with management teams or clients is a core value distinctive to the company. Each stage of development plays a crucial part in delivering a quality product.

Engineering Services

From conception to completion of a realized product, Dragon's Head devotes attention to each stage of the design process. Clear delineation of the desired product and project scope sets the tone for the extensiveness required within the design and design validation stage. Prototype and testing brings the product from an electronic and paper embodiment to reality. The gateway evaluation reviews product  performance to determine fidelity to specifications and whether the product is ready to proceed to manufacturing and commercialization, or needs to return to a prior stage. Sustaining support (e.g. design updates, new features added, additional training, etc...) is employed to address needs that arise after a product is released.

  • FEA analysis
  • Intellectual Property
  • Customized manuals & Training programs
  • Renderings and marketing material
  • On site support