Q:If my products require testing after assembly, are you able to do this?
A.Depending on the nature of the testing required, we are able to test your product prior to shipping.

Q:What size project do you work on?
A.We work on any size project from a complete systems, individual tools, or single item customization.

Q:What if I don't have the space or ability to put my products together?
A.Our manufacturing services is intended to be able to support clients with turn-key delivery of products when they don't have the means.  Our central location is ideal for shipping throughout the United States.

Q:Do you work on projects outside the oilfield?

A.Yes, while our industry background is oilfield the mechanical engineering knowledge and experience can be applied in any industrial field.  We love diversity and are always looking to expand.

Machining & Manufacturing faq

Q:Would you come to my office, shop or field location to commission, install, test or inspect the product that has been developed?
A.Yes, we will do full on-site support for projects and products.

Q:What if I have an idea/project that is patentable or needs to be protected?

A.We understand the importance of intellectual property, and have assisted several clients with submitting patent applications.  It is typical for a nondisclosure agreement to be signed for the initial discussions, and followed up with a contract that details intellectual property ownership.  We have a standard nondisclosure agreement and contract, but also work with clients that have their own documents.
Q:What support is available/provided for completed projects?
A.It is common for products to require sustaining efforts, which encompasses questions from end users, updated drawings, training, and manufacturing support.  It is important to us that the client receives all necessary support to extract the value for their products.

Q:What would I get at the end of an engineering design project?

A.Depending on the size and scope of the project you would receive some or all of the following: 3D models, detail drawings, calculations, manuals, test reports, and a product.

product lines and equipment faq

Q:Will you help us with marketing literature?
A.One benefit of the solid modeling we do is that we are able to supply rendered graphics that can be used in marketing literature as well as product manuals.

Q:Can you coat parts or supply surface treatments?
A.Yes, we can supply parts with a variety of coatings or surface treatments.

engineering  services FAQ

Q:How do you charge for your services?
A.We bill in a variety of ways depending on the size of the project and client.  It is common for us to charge by the hours worked for engineering services, and by the test for testing services.

Q:Will you customize your products for us?
A.Yes, it is common for us to supply equipment painted to your specifications, and we will work with you to integrate features that are desired.

frequently asked q​uestions
Q:If I have my own design and drawings can you machine the parts?
A.Yes, we will machine items that you have detailed drawings for.