Past Projects

Small Projects

  • Develop and deliver training programs
  • Job programs
  • Testing protocols
  • Inspection procedures
  • Manufacturing and verification protocols
  • Development of specialized hand tools
  • Customized data acquisition systems

Our clients range from large corporations to individuals, and we have completed multiple projects for the majority of our clients.  Project scopes vary from single components to complex integrated systems, and time frames have ranged from a few weeks to over 4 years.  Each client receives superior attention to detail and service.  Below is a brief list of projects that have been completed at Dragon's Head.

Large Projects

  • Development, testing and commercialization of oilfield tubular connection
  • Proof of concept and field testing of downhole drilling tool
  • Conceptual and proof of concept development for new completions technologies
  • Feasibility study for applying coatings
  • Manufacturing of service packer
  • Sustaining work for hydraulic and electrical systems on construction equipment